Sunday, August 31, 2008

SUNDAY? 31.08.08?

Апошні дзень лета : (( Тут няма чаму радавацца, але ёсць чаму здзіўляцца!

Дзень пачаўся з раніцы, ці то ў 8, ці то 7, а можа ў 9 (у пакоях, дзе мы снедаем і гуляемся 3 неадэкватных гадзіннікі), а напэўна а 12 гадзіне. Таму і ўвесь дзень склаўся з адных НЕАДЭКВАТНАСЦЯЎ!


Дзень народзінаў Марты ў жніўні, а не ў марте-сакавіку!??


Жнівеньская Марта, амаль што вераснёўская!

Вялізны торцік з белай гліны, вельмі прыемны па смаку і карысны для страўніка, з 18 свечкамі ад IKI!



KultFlux Platform // NatureChange


Абмен несуразнасцямі і рознай фігнёй: усмешкамі, учынкамі, словамі, пацісканнямі рук, абмен сонца на дождж і наадварот, адзежай, абуткам, ежай, талеркамі з-пад ежы, упрыгожваннямі…

І хопіць ужо! Навошта?? Не ведаем! Але ў наступны раз што-небудзь самі прынясем і за
грошы прададзім!





Музей генацыдаду. Не, не, не. Не трэба нам гэтага! Гэта была самая вялікая неадэкватнасць сённяшняму святочнаму дню. Хто гэта прыдумаў?


Пікнік! Pizza? Mamba? Very strange!
Да наступнай запраўкі засталося 2,5 гадзіны. Не ведалі як дачакацца таго часу, трэба было нешта з’есці..


Вячэра ў COZY. Учора ўсім спадабаўся крэм-бруле (гучыць брутальна), таму і сёння пайшлі зноў. І вось ён аблом! 20 аднолькавых смярдзючых талерак з зяленымі (соплі?) макаронамі і цеплы свежавыціснуты фруктовы кактэль на дэсерт. Талерку з сырам за 20 літ прынесці катэгарычна адмовіліся! І каву-латэ і капучына таксама зажмоцілі :( (толькі за свае грошы).
Але ўсім было прыемна адзін за адным хадзіць ў бок WC па запрашэнню Кацярыны, каб напісаць пажаданні для Марты ў кнізе аб літоўскай графіцы, якую ёй потым урачыста падарылі пад ўсплескі нашых далоняў!

P.S. Цяпер усе адэкватна спяць, толькі Ганна ды Ігар неадэкватна пішуць пра сённяшні 5 дзень культурнай анімацыі у горадзе Вільня..

The man who is taking care about blind people

How it was

What was the idea of being blind

Saturday, August 30, 2008

blind.folded \ blind.holded [5-7-5]

ślapy kaciania
ŭ miakkich dałoniach vilni,
vietru i sonca

+ fota: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Friday, August 29, 2008


games with the hands

trip around vilnius

it's me

Fisrt Day: Kaunas

Here are some photos from our first day that started in Vilnius and finished in Vilnius.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yellow day in Trakai. Beautiful and Ugly.

The second day was spent in Trakai. We received quests: to find any yellow object and take a photo of something beautiful and something ugly.

All day we had been looking for Beauty and Ugly. All team were really creative and completed this quest with their own view and ideas.

start of creativity_Nastya

Our tourist day started with “light mobile lunch” after which it was quite hard to even breathe and continued in Kaunas. A trip to Kaunas was a great choice for a start. The venue was probably selected by tutors so that even Vilnius residents could feel theirselves “new” in the environment. Among our “art activities” we had a presentation about LitPro project itself and got acquainted with its team, got to know our tutors and of course, presented ourselves.
Self-presentations was our creative homework and was challenging enough to let us encompass us or part of us on this little sheet of A4 paper. Now I am ( or we are?) far better informed on how the A4 sheet of paper can be used: this can be a platform to which you can attach things that reflect your interests and habits, this can be simply drawing sheet when you feel yourself almost like at school taking part in art classes, or, simply, the stage where you can perform. However, there are also lots of means to use blank paper to express yourself. In this case, the paper was crushed, pressed, carefully folded and unfolded to reveal different sides of the personality of the presenter. It was interesting and exciting to both take part in it and see what others did. [Documentation attached]
We were staying in a wonderful hotel:once a posh place for only rich and now only remembering its better days It was quite hard to find elevator and brown bread for breakfast but the rooms are almost a history object as the dryers standing attached to the walls in the bathroom were probably among the first “foreign” equipment imported in the Soviet times to make this place even more attractive for tourists.
Rather blurred feeling from new faces and unusual surrounding was smootheed a bit with a few pints of beer in one of the famous Kaunas’ bar – BO Baras. Now the “activities” are still continuing and I believe there will be more and more positive feedbackS from the others

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I am Nastya,
I study at EHU, in the most "un"creative faculty - international and european law, now being 4th year student.

I like to discover previously unknown things and if there is a possibility to do so - either alone or collectively - I always go for it. In due course of the Academy I would like to look differently on the things I am used to, I want to distract from the things I usually do and try something new.

See you All soon

Saturday, August 23, 2008



I’m Marta, EHU student, program visual design and media. Gladly greed all members of this project!

I have been studying in Vilnius nearly for a year & with certainty can say that it’s one of the most beautiful & coziest places I have ever been to! I hope that after these 10 days we’ll otherwise see this place.

What about me? I like everything new: new places, new people, new info, new impressions & etc. This project is another “new” because I want to try myself in unknown for me sphere of creative work. I only started my education & I hope that this project will give me useful knowledge, new friends & wealth of experience that will help me in me future live & studies.

Good luck! See you soon!!!

This is me, Dima:-)

I am EHU art distance student from Kyiv, Ukraine. I being late but I feel that I' m not last in fact;-) Often I am angry on myself that I can evaluate some moment only postfactum. There is dependence on memory. Memory produces gradation, one it is selects and other loses. What value has memory for people? I'm interesting in art of memory. Vilnius - magnificent system of memory with great number of places of memory, where I like to return and to reminisce something simple but important...together with you;-)
I would like to share some of my memories about my past visits into Vilnius. For example, such photos of harmony and mimicry;D

Friday, August 22, 2008

pink elephants....

Hello! Labas! Bonjour! My name is Nadia. I'm just a composer and musician, but i'm studing visiual arts in EHU. I'm crazy and extraorinary girl, but i can take control over my mind ;)
I like to travel (hitch-hicking) and meet new people.
Also i try to learn lithuanian language and want play bag-pipe.
I think this project help me acieve my ambitions and help me to meet new good and interesting people.
Also i think this project help me to know many new intersting and creative things.
Thank you for all, who making this project. ))
I promise to bring a couple of my music compositions.

Respect. Nadia

Hi, my name is Ales

Hi, my name is Ales

My academic interests lay in the field of mass media, journalism and culture. I am an active member of the Cinema Club and Photo club. For several years I studies graphic software.

Summer art academy, on the one hand, gives me a chance to expand my knowledge in the marginal disciplines and, on the other hand, to chose some specific topic and focus on it in my possible research activities (in the field of visual culture).

Also, I think that it will give me a chance to socialize with many young people. And this is also a good deal of experience and knowledge.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hi. I'm Pavel. Me and Ania Kurašova (Aney) were invited to help Alicja and Ania - and all of you.

I'm from Far East of Belarus (Orša, Horki). I make and play sounds. Used to make abstract photos and still do some visuals. I also weave webs - of words, sites and/or people. This summer i've finished MA studies @ EHU. My paper was about 'rhythm, rituals, liminality, corporeality, techno and psy-trance'.

Cultural animation is new to me, but i suspect it has connections with many spheres of my interests. So i'm curious and open to whatever discoveries and experiences may happen.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Schedule of activities

Hi everybody,

here comes our general plan for the project. Please have a look and tell us what you think - any comments, suggestions and questions welcome!

general schedule of activities

Kaunas trip – intro and presentations.

Trakai trip – getting to know each other.

What is a city? Favourite / least favourite places.
9.45 - 18.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

Vilnius - a sensual exploration of the city.
9.45 - 18.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

Picnic, gallery and museum visits.
(12.00 - 18.00 - optional)

Micro scale Vilnius.
9.45 - 18.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

Vilnius d'art - exploring the city at random.
9.45 - 18.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

Become a cultural animator - part 1.
9.45 - 18.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

Become a cultural animator - part 2.
Preparation for the final event.
9.45 - 18.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

The final event.
9.45 - 17.00 (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00) - preparation.
17.00 - 19.00 - the final event.

9.45 - 14.00 evaluation (lunch break 13.00 - 14.00)

Friday, August 15, 2008

A4 white sheet of paper - do something with it!

For our first meeting on 27th August we would like you to do one more thing:

> get a A4 white sheet of paper

> present yourself on this sheet of paper

> everything is allowed! you can paint on it, you can convert it into a sculpture, you can write on it, you can think about a short performance where you use your sheet, you can play on it, you can attach things to it and more .... virtually EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE! as long as it represents you or part of you...

Remember to bring your A4 presentation with you on 27th August!

If you have any questions about the project or about these little tasks etc - please contact us!

Looking forward to meeting you on 27th!

Show yourself! (please upload info before 23rd August!)

Hello everybody!

Summer Art Academy will start on 27th August. Before we meet face to face let's learn a bit about each other via the blog.

Please create a new post about yourself before 23rd August! This does not need to be an essay! A picture or two of you or what you are interested in would be enough.
Feel free to include drawings or films with your work, anything else you wish!

In your entry please include 3 things:
> who you are?
> what interests you?
> why you want to be involved in the project?

We know that you had to put this information in your application, but now we would like you to present yourself to each other.

If you have any problems, get in touch! And please try to upload all the information before 23rd August so we all have a chance to read it before we arrive in Vilnius.